Factors and the Effects of Domestic Violence on Reproductive Healthcare Delivery among Pregnant Women in Kwata Rural Community of Jos South, Plateau State, Nigeria

Mangdik Emmanuel Christiana *

School of Basic Midwifery Vom, College of Nursing Sciences Vom, Plateau State, Nigeria.

David Lungcit Shalkur

School of Basic Midwifery Vom, College of Nursing Sciences Vom, Plateau State, Nigeria.

Dalyop Kaneng Mary

School of Nursing Vom, College of Nursing Sciences Vom, Plateau State, Nigeria.

Dandong Mary Samuel

School of Nursing Jos, College of Nursing Sciences Vom, Plateau State, Nigeria.

Dajuwe P Lydia

School of Nursing Vom, College of Nursing Sciences Vom, Plateau State, Nigeria.

Shanding Celina Paul

School of Basic Midwifery Jos, College of Nursing Sciences Vom, Plateau State, Nigeria.

Izzah Nanko Grace

School of Nursing Jos, College of Nursing Sciences Vom, Plateau State, Nigeria.

Bulus Ali Jerico

School of Nursing Vom, College of Nursing Sciences Vom, Plateau State, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Domestic violence is a common global healthcare problem relatively hidden or an ignored form of violence against pregnant women accounting for over 736 million women subjected to physical or sexual intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, or both at least once in their lifetime. In pregnant women, the magnitude of domestic violence is higher in resource limited settings as compared with the developed countries which affects the physical and mental health of the mothers and their offspring. This study aimed to evaluate the factors and effects of domestic violence on women reproductive healthcare in Kwata community of Jos south, Plateau state. 200 women were conveniently sampled at random, structured questionnaires administered with 100% retrieval rate and data analyzed using descriptive statistical measures. Majority (97.5%) of the respondents indicated that alcoholism, drug abuse and gambling are major factors of domestic violence and 90% of it affects their behaviour towards their wives and children. 75% said that domestic violence can lead to health problems resulting to emotional hurt, 80% physically hurt while 55% reported that their partners insist on having sex as a result 45% said that they have ever been forced to engage in sexual activity against their will and 60% affirmed that sex could resort to violence whenever one resisted. Violence between intimate partners during pregnancy leading to the death of both the mother and child is indicated high with average mean value of 4.24. High tendencies of domestic sexual violence were associated with psychiatric problems, vagina damage (or obstetric fistula), transmitted infections and female genital mutilation with average mean values of 4.35, 4.13 and 3.7 respectively. Growing evidence of domestic violence against women are strong links of significant physical and mental health impairments, and risky health behaviour are increasing more severely thereby affecting women reproductive health and accessing healthcare will be obstructed resulting in attendant effects. Thus, addressing these factors and the attendant effects will go a long way to curb the menace thereof through cultural reorientation, enforcement of government policies, women, and girl’s empowerment, reaching out to men and coordinating institutional and individual responses.

Keywords: Domestic violence, effects of alcoholism, physical and mental health, sexual violence, reproductive healthcare, pregnant women

How to Cite

Christiana, Mangdik Emmanuel, David Lungcit Shalkur, Dalyop Kaneng Mary, Dandong Mary Samuel, Dajuwe P Lydia, Shanding Celina Paul, Izzah Nanko Grace, and Bulus Ali Jerico. 2024. “Factors and the Effects of Domestic Violence on Reproductive Healthcare Delivery Among Pregnant Women in Kwata Rural Community of Jos South, Plateau State, Nigeria”. Asian Journal of Research in Nursing and Health 7 (1):13-22. https://journalajrnh.com/index.php/AJRNH/article/view/148.


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