Review of Work-Related Stress and the Incidence of Hypertension among Nurses
Published: 2023-09-16
Page: 343-351
Issue: 2023 - Volume 6 [Issue 1]
Seif S. Khalfan *
Faculty of Health and Allied Sciences, Zanzibar University, Zanzibar, Tanzania.
Sultan Kh. Muki
Faculty of Health and Allied Sciences, Zanzibar University, Zanzibar, Tanzania.
Jeremie Minani
Faculty of Health and Allied Sciences, Zanzibar University, Zanzibar, Tanzania.
Khalfan A. Khamis
Faculty of Health and Allied Sciences, Zanzibar University, Zanzibar, Tanzania.
Fatma A. Said
Ministry of Health Zanzibar, Tanzania.
Biubwa Suleiman
Mnazi Mmoja Rereferral Hospital Zanzibar, Tanzania.
Huba Khamis Rashid
School of Medicine and Health Sciences, State University of Zanzibar, Tanzania.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Work-related stress is a prevalent concern across various professions. Demands often exceed coping capacities, leading to physical and mental strain. This stress frequently results from overwhelming workloads, unrealistic deadlines, and a lack of control. The constant connectivity of modern technology blurs the boundaries between work and personal life, causing chronic stress for those who are always available. Inadequate job security, fear of unemployment, and a lack of autonomy contribute to this stress. Stress impacts individuals' well-being and strains organizations through decreased productivity and higher turnover. To address this issue, organizations can prioritize employee well-being by promoting work-life balance and communication. Offering flexible work arrangements and promoting mindfulness can aid in reducing stress. Health check-ups and effective support systems assist individuals.
Nurses, who comprise a significant portion of the healthcare workforce, face unique stressors. However, research on stress across different nursing roles is limited. Work stress significantly impacts nurses' cardiovascular health, with hypertension being a notable concern. Factors contributing to nurses' hypertension include demanding work hours, heavy patient loads, and emotional strain. Nurses' unique challenges necessitate targeted interventions, including stress reduction initiatives and flexible schedules. Sedentary lifestyles among nurses are aggravated by irregular eating habits and limited exercise opportunities, increasing the risk of hypertension. Organizations can encourage healthier habits by providing nutritious options and exercise opportunities. The implications of hypertension extend to nurses' productivity, job satisfaction, and overall health. Work-related stress and hypertension collectively jeopardize nurse well-being and strain healthcare systems. Effective management requires both individual and organizational efforts. Nurses should prioritize self-care through balanced nutrition, exercise, and stress management. Healthcare organizations should ensure manageable workloads, create a supportive environment, offer wellness programs, and establish communication channels. Regular health check-ups and training for managers can aid early detection and support.
In conclusion, hypertension among nurses due to work-related stress is a pressing issue. Recognizing the unique stressors of nursing, both nurses and organizations can adopt strategies to manage stress and reduce the risk of hypertension. Prioritizing nurses' health ensures quality patient care and sustains the integrity of the healthcare system. Effective management necessitates comprehensive approaches, combining individual self-care and organizational support.
Keywords: Work-related stress, job demands, coping capacity, workplace boundaries, stress management, support systems, job satisfaction, patient care
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